Updated 29 Sep 2015 dunbarwenw@gmail.com
ll"This area has been closely monitored since the last meeting. Numerous visits have been made at varying times of the day and night. Vehicles have been watched exiting the junction. It is an awkward junction that requires to be negotiated with care, but I have no immediate concerns over the safety of this junction. White lines are already in place (Not enforceable only advisory) and ELC roads will be including the junction in the Dunbar Town Centre Traffic Regulations as an area which may have potential for double yellow lines. I have to add though, that all the vehicles I have seen parked in the area around the area have done so completely legally. There are no recorded injury accidents for this road."
14 Nov 2013 - Police report on Mayville Road Traffic and Parking
13 May 2014: Burglary Alert!
A house on North Road was broken into a few days ago.. Be vigilant and make sure your premises are secure!
Companies promising to solve nuisance telephone calls for a fee.
Companies offering a free alarm installation, but in the small print you sign up to extortionate and ongoing maintenance charges
June 2013 Scam Alert
13 Jun 2014: Stay safe On-Line
There is a big increase in cybercrime worldwide at the moment. Make sure your system is protected with an up to date virus checker. Change passwords regularly. Further good advice is available here: http://www.getsafeonline.org/nca
19 June 2014 Police Report
Police have apprehended a gang responsible for a number of break-ins in the East Lothian area
A man was seriously assaulted in Letham Place when he intervened with a group of men damaging cars
11 Sep 2014 Police CAPP Report
Break-Ins: There were two break-ins in the Dunbar area in the last month. One involved the theft of power tools from a garden shed. In the second incident, a house on Belhaven Road was broken into whilst the owners were away on holiday. The house was completely ransacked and many valuables taken. There have been a series of break-ins in East Lothian, thought to be the work of Edinburgh and Glasgow based gangs. The police advise continued vigilance, ensuring that your premises are secure. Thieves are after mostly valuables, jewellery and money. Consumer electronics like TVs and DVD players are no longer attractive to them. They will also steal car keys from the house, especially if there is a high value car outside. Do not leave car keys in an obvious place close to the door.
There are groups of travellers occasionally in the Dunbar area. They will often cold call offering to do maintenance jobs and the laying of monobloc paving. These people are not necessarily involved in criminal activity, but police advise against employing them, as there is no comeback if the work is unsatisfactory.
Anti Social Behaviour: There have been instances of anti social behaviour in the High Street involving drunken behaviour and youths urinating in the passageways. The Police are aware and are attempting to take action.
Fly Tipping; There has been a serious case of fly tipping in the Thornton burn, involving some 4 tonnes of material, some of which contained asbestos. The culprit has been apprehended and the police are taking action.
Parking in the High Street: Dunbar police are continuing to issue tickets, but their available time for this particular task is limited.
June 2013 - Sep 2014 |
Nov 2014 on |