Updated  29 Sep 2015                                                                                            dunbarwenw@gmail.com

Police CAPP Meeting 26 Nov 2014:

Police have carried out speed checks on local roads using speed guns. Many warnings have been issued as well as 2 speeding tickets. You should note that breathalyser test are now carried out as a matter of course, and that the new lower Scottish limits come in a week from now.

A traffic monitor has been established in North Road, to provide statistics on road usage and vehicle speeds. A statistical analysis is awaited.

Police have conducted a blitz of High Street parking offenders, and nine tickets have been issued. The prohibition zone on Lammermuir crescent is being monitored.

PC Ross and the Community Warden have completed “community” counselling with S6 pupils at DGS.

PC Ross has also talked to residents of Southfield Court re fraud and scam calls and letters. He intends to do the same with other sheltered housing groups in the town. He mentioned that an elderly resident in West Barns has had £50,000 savings stolen by a fraudster.

There are still around 20 traveller’s caravans parked on the old section of A1 by East Barns. This land now belongs to Lafarge Tarmac who have not chosen to evict. However, the company has suffered a large metal theft from the disused bridge transporter which sits by the quarry. This consisted of large sections of copper cabling with a scrap value of £8000 and a replacement cost of many times that figure. Debris from the cable insulation was found adjacent to the traveller’s site, but there was insufficient evidence to charge specific individuals.

The police are monitoring the vennels off the High street which are often litter strewn and where some teenagers often hang out. A suggestion was made at the meeting that a proper venue or shelter is needed near the town centre where teenagers can congregate and in an area where they are more easily monitored.

The “Helping Hand” system has been adopted by Residents in the Wingate Crescent and Floors Terrace area. Elderly and vulnerable people in the area are provided with a large brightly coloured “hand” sign which they can place in their window as a sign to neighbours that they need some assistance. This might consist of shopping or local errands which they can’t manage themselves. This shows a commendable sense of community spirit.